So far have tried the arepa. It is good with the pork filling, not spicy. The corn salad is very good, great flivgrano. The ceviche is spicy. The bratwurst on the pretzel roll is delicious. Overheard someone suggest to use the pretzel roll with the cheese fondue, good idea. The griddled cheese is delicious with the honey on top. And the sea scallop is just that one scallop with sweet potato puree, nothing special not a lot of flavor and small portion. [[文献]] 「日本總國風土記」 -国立国会図書館デジタルアーカイブ:[[日本総国風土記:]] -早稲田大学図書館古典籍デジタルアーカイブ:[[日本惣国風土記:]] ---偽書とされるが参考用に掲載